Friday, September 7, 2007

Lisa Rathke

I just wanted to say what a great evening! The planning committee did so much work and it really paid off! I am really glad that I decided to attend the reunion. It was great to see everyone. It was especially great to spend the evening with Julie and Steve, Michelle and Mark and Peggy! Great to see you guys. I am also thankful that my wonderful husband was there by my side! I thank him for his support!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sherri McCurdy Parente

Sherri McCurdy Parente

I want to use this post-reunion blog entry to thank you all for an amazing
weekend! Our 20 year class reunion was an absolute blast! My highlights

1) Seeing Walnut Lake friends like Alison, Bernice, Aimee, Val, Crissy,
Saliha, Sandy, Steve, Brian, Rob.... I'm only sorry that I didn't get a
chance to reminisce with Amy S, Jenny T, and Jenny C. Hope you three are
doing great!

2.) Saturday night at 220 Merrill. It was one visit down memory lane after
another. Completely mind blowing with every class of '87 alum that walked
through the door.

3) Being at Michael Bloom's Saturday and getting a quick spin around the
lake on his boat. Thanks Michael! p.s. do you really think your mom
remembered me as your girlfriend when we were 13?

4) Yoga with Matt Darling at his studio in Royal Oak. You're awesome Matt!

5) Dancing with Alan and Liz. Al - I will forever live for you!!

6) Bunking with Dana Sunday night like the good old days at MSU. Too short
but still sweet.

7) Hanging out with my girls who will forever be my best friends - Dana,
Meredith, Kerrie, Tammy, Liz, and Robin. I love you guys.

8) Discussing one of the high school memories that still makes me
laugh/smile with Chris Hansen. When I mentioned Mr. Eubank's English class -
getting a $.10 Lipton Cup O Soup $.05 for Hot Chocolate, Chirs proceeded to
do a good impersonation of Eubanks saying that " I do this as a favor to you
kids, now behave or I'll have to put this away" (opening the drawer to his
desk as if he were about to put the sacred cocoa away).

We really do have a great class and it seems like somehow we've stayed more
connected than other W.E. Groves classes. Much of that can be attributed to
people like Dana who reach out, stay in touch, and keep us up to date on
classmates. As Dana and I were' leaving the Sommerset Inn on Sunday she
asked me what she should do with the pictures boards she made. I simply
replied "keep them for the 30 year reunion". We're certainly not going to
stop here!!

Thanks for the memories...see you in 10!

Sherri McCurdy Parente

Friday, August 31, 2007

George Hinkes - Pictorial Update

Keith Brookenthal

1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school?

I’ve kept close really only with Dean Hu. I regret not keeping up with everyone - obviously close friends in particular. Josh Gluskin and I were friends when we were real little but not since then, and looking at the pictures makes you think it really would have been nice being friends with almost everyone. I particularly would have liked to keep up with the swim and polo crowd. It is hard though being out of state.

2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?

I recently fell into an opportunity to make a lot of money but did not take it when I had the chance. It seems the Minister of Finance in Nigeria was looking to move some money around and needed my help to do so. I do not know how he got my email, but the fact was he had it. Needless to say, it was a considerable sum and it would have been a very profitable venture. Unfortunately my wife nixed the idea and so early retirement is not yet an option. I can’t imagine an opportunity like that comes up more than once in a lifetime, but I am checking my email more carefully now, hoping something else comes up.

3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?

Again, probably the same as most people. Married a wonderful woman and have two fantastic little girls. (Hopefully more in the future) I think the things that are most special aren’t so much the once-in-a-lifetime things as much as the little “daily grind” things … getting the girls ready for school, making breakfast, tucking them in at the end of the day, mountain biking with Josi on Sundays, tearing down the mountains, listening to the screams and anticipating the bruises being thrown over the handles … the daily joys of life.

4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?

Same answer as above … weekly grind of mountains and beaches

5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh

Does anyone remember Slave Day? Good times, good times. I may be having my first politically correct thought (surprised, Dean?) but I can’t believe that ever existed. I vaguely remember Jeff Marcus and I paired ourselves up and were auctioned together. I think there was a third guy – I think Steve Tengler? I think Chris Mazzoli bought us, then abused us so we liberated ourselves from him by abusing him back (vague memories … still hazy) and Mr Rockwell intervened. I wonder what happened with him. I think I heard something about gemological institute?

I think for the all-night graduation party (?) we were all instructed from teachers that it would be a great time so don’t get drunk or stoned … it was the greatest time, but I think Dean and I were the only two who actually obeyed that rule. Were we with Howdy? I don’t remember. We ended up driving all over Detroit after the party, going to White Castle somewhere, and I think decided to break all the rules by the end, that largely consisted of stealing our neighbor’s newspaper, hanging out, and making sure to return the newspaper by the time they woke up because we felt guilty. BTW great picture, Howdy, of the swim team. Did we really look like that? I kind of remember being better-looking and less dorky but I guess in retrospect maybe those memories are hazier than I thought … Are you sure you didn’t photoshop that thing?

Great memories looking back at the photos everyone posted – you know until I saw them I remember us as being so cool and knowing it all but gee whiz we were all such dorks. I mean looking back the cool people and the dorky people were all so funny looking. I can’t believe we ever thought we looked good.

Looking at Rocky – wow, man. You were ripped. Also, I totally agree that picture of yours was –

Too many to recall, and I’ve probably forgotten half of them, so I guess they aren’t really memories then. Air guitar on the bus to meets … Ouch! Didn’t know the ceiling was so low. Am I bleeding? “Sledge parties” “Well Chuck, the date started out fine.” “Deep but not profound” Hacky sack and Dead Milkmen. Poker at Alan Taylor’s. Well, at least making donations to the guys because I don’t recall ever winning. OK to be honest I had to go through my old yearbook for a couple of those, but they were good times. Seichter Special at Tubby’s. Was that Bubble Bobble? Dean – (OK I had to go to the yearbook for this too) Strike first, strike hard, no mercy sir! Fear does not exist in this Dojo! Spengler? Spangler? Mr. Spangler? And thanks, Dean, for reminding me of the blazing intelligence of wearing that stupid T-shirt the last day of school. I can’t believe we were that stupid. And I use “we” in the singular. Paul Shaya – OK maybe a little after HS – Stanley Cup Championship/Red Face and Body Paint/Picking on little kid Capital fans/Stealing the Stanley Cup (Um, were we too old for that?)

6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?

Same as everyone … theoretically looking forward to seeing everyone but more friends I was close with. Unfortunately I am coming in town the weekend after the reunion already and am not sure I can bring the family the weekend before and the weekend after.

7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?

I don’t think so. I think my personality has decreased a little in volume but the character now is similar enough.

Anyone in Southern California, definitely give me a holla …

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Julie Ellsworth (Dickensheets)

1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school?
Lots of people. If I had to name one, I’d really like to know what Linda Kim is up to. Linda, are you out there?

2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?
Have not traveled in Europe, only a layover in Belgium on the way to Africa. It’s on the to-do list.
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?
Happy I went to college and graduate school, met my husband Steve, have two great kids (Trevor is 11 and Audrey is 7), have a job I enjoy (Biology Professor at Truckee Meadows Community College), and live in a great place (Reno, NV).
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?
East Africa and Costa Rica (trips before kids), and camping, skiing, biking, kayaking, and hanging out at Tahoe and Eagle Lake, CA (since kids).
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh
What’s the name of the game? Thumper!
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?
Everyone. Especially basketball buddies, track buddies, calculus buddies, toga buddies, and drinking buddies…you know who you are.
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?
I don’t think so, I think he knows it all…if there is anything you think I’m forgetting, please let me know.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Heather Gruenberg

1. I wish I had kept in touch with ... Jamie Packman '88, as well as a few others.

2. What do I wish I did after HS? College was a good choice, and I'm glad I went to Carleton (Northfield, Minnesota: the town where Jesse James and his gang made their last raid). What do I wish I did after college [graduated '92; took a year off from college and lived in Washington, D.C.]? Go to Europe. What did I do instead? Came home to work and save money to move back to D.C. after a year or so, but Mom died six months after I came home, so I ended up staying in suburban Detroit for nine more years; moved to Traverse City 1/01/02.

3. What am I happy to have done in the last twenty years? Lots of things. Went parasailing this week. It's my last year of classes getting a secondary level teaching certificate (Dana, where did you teach?), after which I have to student teach. Have travel(l)ed within the States some. No kids, thanks, though I've thoroughly enjoyed teaching them how to swim for the last nineteen years; that's how I got into the teaching certificate classes. Am planning on getting married. Learning to garden a bit, but perennials, cement gargoyles, and stainless steel gazing globes only. Got a kayak. Have two dogs and a cat, despite my allergists' [well-founded] concerns.

4. What is my favorite place I've been to in the last twenty years? There are a few, and the Franklin Cider Mill is one of them!!!!!!! I liked D.C., despite being terribly depressed while I was there, I like San Francisco, and Traverse City's quite nice, in its own way. There is a hill on Carleton's campus where I first saw the stars the way you can in the country or on the beach in Litchfield Beach, S.C.; there are probably more, stuck somewhere in my brain.

5. Whom do I look forward to seeing this weekend? Some of them will be there (people on this mailing list), some won't (George Hinkes, Heather Reed, others), and those with whom I shared a Catholic upbringing (you know who you are!).

6. Will George be surprised to know anything about me? Don't think so, but who knows.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bob Brumm - Update!

1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school?Just about everyone. Life turns us many different ways and we stray away from items that do mean a lot. Keeping in touch with those who helped form who we are does get pushed back. This blog is a good way to keep in touch with friends from high school.

2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?Travel abroad.

3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?Sky Diving and White Water rafting.

4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?Torch Lake , Michigan Spent many summers up there as a child and brings comforting memories.

5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laughHaving fun with friends and seeing their smiling laughing faces. Parting with (or without) a TOGA.

6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?Not able to attend.

7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?Not really, but she may be surprised how outgoing I was.