Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Matthew Darling

1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school? People I went to elementary school with, some of the early Berkshire gang and people I went to the Leelanau school with my freshman year.
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do? Wish I went to collage!
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do? My travels to India to meet and spend time studying yoga with my teacher there over the past 8 years. Then on his request come back to Michigan and teaching here.
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?Out of many there are 4: Mysore, India: Kappa, Bali: Kauai and St. Joseph's hospital Pontiac, Michigan where our daughter and I were born.
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh. Sadly there are tooooooooooooooo many and I laugh only really knowing fuzzy, kinda hazy parts........... They scare me a bit today! Well anything that had to do with George Landino makes me smile. We are still good friends.
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?I will not be coming, but please don't hesitate to invite me to any and all other events surrounding the reunion either big or small. We live in Royal Oak so I might come. matthew@ashtangamichigan.com or come learn some yoga when you are in town http://www.ashtangamichigan.com/ free to 87' grads.
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days? I still live in the same type of playful spirit, so not many surprises for her.


Anonymous said...

Yes Guru, I posted my stuff :) the duke.

Anonymous said...

You'd better show up or I will find you and tie you into sailors knot! Did they teach you that one in Yoga?