Saturday, July 21, 2007

Lori Sherman

1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school?

I feel connected to our class, and even though I have only kept in touch with a couple of people, I still remember and think about everyone!!

2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?

I wish that I had been able to have the "dorm life" experience. I wasn't "allowed" to go away to school because I had an unhealthy relationship with the only guy I ever dated in high school, and he was very possessive of me. I went to the University of Michigan in Dearborn--I loved my education there, but I think a huge part of me never got to grow up because I was only with one person since I was 14 years old! I would do it all over again the same way, however, because we have a son, Chad, who is 13 and I can't imagine life without him! I divorced Chad's dad when Chad was 3 and now I'm in a healthy marriage, and we have a daughter, Sammi, who is 6.

I also still haven't had the chance to publish some of my writing or pursue doing something with the musical comedy I wrote. Maybe I will get brave someday. But I am happy creating!

3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?

I am so happy that I was able to have two children, start my own piano-teaching business, meet my husband, swim with dolphins, read tons of books, listen to Tori Amos, and I'm loving living in Florida and enjoying my family!

4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?

I love Walt Disney World!

5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh

OK--I have so many--here are a few highlights--I remember when the health teacher--what was her name? Miss Henry? She gave us an assignment to carry around a bag of flour or an egg to simulate taking care of a child. I chose the bag of flour. I had the flour with me in a class, and I had to use the bathroom. So I asked someone if he could please watch my baby flour. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back to class, my baby was missing!!! There was a ransom note on my desk that read: Give us 5.00 or we will turn your flour into cookies!!! I freaked out! I finally got my baby back--it was in someone's duffle bag!! I should have issued an Amber alert! I remember after that assignment, someone drop-kicked his flour baby in the parking lot!

The next few memories are actually from middle school--I feel so guilty thinking these were funny--but these are the stories I tell my kids about! There was this one teacher in Berkshire middle school--she taught English, and her name was Miss Haggerty (Or I think I'm supposed to say, DR. Haggerty). Oh, the poor woman. Someone would pass a note in class giving us directions to drive her batty--One time the note said: At 10:05, everyone drop your books on the floor. So, at 10:05, one person would drop his book, then another, then another--BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!! From all sides of the room! DR. Haggerty was looking around all over trying to take down students' names...BOOM! BOOM!

Another note went around that said: At 10:05, everyone turn your desk around to the back of the room... another read: At 10:05 everyone stare at DR. Haggerty. That was the funniest--She would say, "Ok, now if you'll look here on the board..." And we would be staring at her like wide-eyed zombies......I'm laughing as I'm writing this---but I feel so bad! Ok--just a couple more.....There was this boy named Richie Bush (Whatever happened to him? If anybody talks to him, please kindly tell him that I am really thankful that I was flat-chested--I see my friends with big boobs and they all want breast reductions now!). Well, DR. Haggery told the class, "Get out your grammar books..." And, Richie said, "My gramma's in Florida." Classic!

Oh--that reminds me--the health teacher in middle school once said, "We are going to learn about semen..." and this one guy named Scott said, "My father was a sea man." I forgot about that guy Scott. He was so funny--I remember once he slid around the back of the room like a snake so he could get to the pencil sharpener on the other side of the room. I'm giggling!

I also remember our 9th grade trip to Canada. I remember we all could see each other out of our windows in our hotel rooms! I remember singing GREASE 2 songs on the bus ride there!

Just a couple more--they are flooding back to me now! Do you remember Mrs. Grier? "TE PUEDO AYUDAR?" Oh, and that Spanish teacher after her--the man--he was so evil! I was truly frightened by him....

I remember once I tried to get everyone to sign a petition so that the lunch ladies couldn't clean up the areas around people who were still eating. I was such a slow eater in the cafeteria, and the lunch lady would come by me and spray this disgusting spray cleaner with her moldy rag right by me and clean the spot right next to me! I still am always the last one eating!!! I should have tried that liquid lunch everyone is talking about.

OK--this is the last memory--I promise! I remember I LOVED being in all of the school plays and talent shows. It was senior year, and we were auditioning for ONCE UPON A MATTRESS. When the call back sheet came out, I was screaming because my name was on it as THE SCULLERY MAID. I was SO excited to actually have a part!!!!! So the first rehearsal was set, and I brought my highlighter so that I could highlight all of my lines and try to figure out the scullery maid's character. What kind of person was she? Was she happy? Would I have to go deep inside myself to try to portray her? We got the script, and I saw my part. I HAD NO LINES!!! There was only one part where the scullery maid walks in and hands a dress to Lady Larkin (the lead). That was my big debut!!! And those were some of my funniest memories in school!

6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?

I am honestly looking forward to seeing everyone from our class, and I'll be sad not to see the people who can't be there. I truly feel that I liked everyone and that we will always be bonded! But I must say, that my Greenfield Elementary school friends have a special place in my heart, and I am SOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO excited to reunite with them. And everybody! I feel that we had an exceptionally bright class with exceptionally talented people! I'm proud to be part of the class of 87!!!

7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?

I don't think so. I think I'm pretty much the same person with the same kind of values that I had back then. I am so excited to see all of you!!!! Take care! Love, Lori

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lori, it's Heather Gruenberg. I have been substitute teaching for over ten years now (Royal Oak, Birmingham, up here in the Traverse City area), and I have had ***ALLLLLLL***** of those things done to me. And more! I really disappointed the kids when they all dropped their books on the floor at the same time, though: I looked at them and said, "Are you done now? Can we proceed with the lesson your teacher left?" (They all nodded.) Yes, sometimes I think I'm turning into my mother, or at least Mrs. Taft, but both of them were good teaching people so things could be worse (grin). Glad to hear you're another one who's healthier than when we were in HS ... me, too (I hope, I think).