Friday, August 31, 2007
Keith Brookenthal
I’ve kept close really only with Dean Hu. I regret not keeping up with everyone - obviously close friends in particular. Josh Gluskin and I were friends when we were real little but not since then, and looking at the pictures makes you think it really would have been nice being friends with almost everyone. I particularly would have liked to keep up with the swim and polo crowd. It is hard though being out of state.
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?
I recently fell into an opportunity to make a lot of money but did not take it when I had the chance. It seems the Minister of Finance in Nigeria was looking to move some money around and needed my help to do so. I do not know how he got my email, but the fact was he had it. Needless to say, it was a considerable sum and it would have been a very profitable venture. Unfortunately my wife nixed the idea and so early retirement is not yet an option. I can’t imagine an opportunity like that comes up more than once in a lifetime, but I am checking my email more carefully now, hoping something else comes up.
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?
Again, probably the same as most people. Married a wonderful woman and have two fantastic little girls. (Hopefully more in the future) I think the things that are most special aren’t so much the once-in-a-lifetime things as much as the little “daily grind” things … getting the girls ready for school, making breakfast, tucking them in at the end of the day, mountain biking with Josi on Sundays, tearing down the mountains, listening to the screams and anticipating the bruises being thrown over the handles … the daily joys of life.
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?
Same answer as above … weekly grind of mountains and beaches
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh
Does anyone remember Slave Day? Good times, good times. I may be having my first politically correct thought (surprised, Dean?) but I can’t believe that ever existed. I vaguely remember Jeff Marcus and I paired ourselves up and were auctioned together. I think there was a third guy – I think Steve Tengler? I think Chris Mazzoli bought us, then abused us so we liberated ourselves from him by abusing him back (vague memories … still hazy) and Mr Rockwell intervened. I wonder what happened with him. I think I heard something about gemological institute?
I think for the all-night graduation party (?) we were all instructed from teachers that it would be a great time so don’t get drunk or stoned … it was the greatest time, but I think Dean and I were the only two who actually obeyed that rule. Were we with Howdy? I don’t remember. We ended up driving all over Detroit after the party, going to White Castle somewhere, and I think decided to break all the rules by the end, that largely consisted of stealing our neighbor’s newspaper, hanging out, and making sure to return the newspaper by the time they woke up because we felt guilty. BTW great picture, Howdy, of the swim team. Did we really look like that? I kind of remember being better-looking and less dorky but I guess in retrospect maybe those memories are hazier than I thought … Are you sure you didn’t photoshop that thing?
Great memories looking back at the photos everyone posted – you know until I saw them I remember us as being so cool and knowing it all but gee whiz we were all such dorks. I mean looking back the cool people and the dorky people were all so funny looking. I can’t believe we ever thought we looked good.
Looking at Rocky – wow, man. You were ripped. Also, I totally agree that picture of yours was –
Too many to recall, and I’ve probably forgotten half of them, so I guess they aren’t really memories then. Air guitar on the bus to meets … Ouch! Didn’t know the ceiling was so low. Am I bleeding? “Sledge parties” “Well Chuck, the date started out fine.” “Deep but not profound” Hacky sack and Dead Milkmen. Poker at Alan Taylor’s. Well, at least making donations to the guys because I don’t recall ever winning. OK to be honest I had to go through my old yearbook for a couple of those, but they were good times. Seichter Special at Tubby’s. Was that Bubble Bobble? Dean – (OK I had to go to the yearbook for this too) Strike first, strike hard, no mercy sir! Fear does not exist in this Dojo! Spengler? Spangler? Mr. Spangler? And thanks, Dean, for reminding me of the blazing intelligence of wearing that stupid T-shirt the last day of school. I can’t believe we were that stupid. And I use “we” in the singular. Paul Shaya – OK maybe a little after HS – Stanley Cup Championship/Red Face and Body Paint/Picking on little kid Capital fans/Stealing the Stanley Cup (Um, were we too old for that?)
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?
Same as everyone … theoretically looking forward to seeing everyone but more friends I was close with. Unfortunately I am coming in town the weekend after the reunion already and am not sure I can bring the family the weekend before and the weekend after.
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?
I don’t think so. I think my personality has decreased a little in volume but the character now is similar enough.
Anyone in Southern California, definitely give me a holla … …
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Julie Ellsworth (Dickensheets)
1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school?
Lots of people. If I had to name one, I’d really like to know what Linda Kim is up to. Linda, are you out there?
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?
Happy I went to college and graduate school, met my husband Steve, have two great kids (Trevor is 11 and Audrey is 7), have a job I enjoy (Biology Professor at Truckee Meadows Community College), and live in a great place (Reno, NV).
East Africa and Costa Rica (trips before kids), and camping, skiing, biking, kayaking, and hanging out at Tahoe and Eagle Lake, CA (since kids).
What’s the name of the game? Thumper!
Everyone. Especially basketball buddies, track buddies, calculus buddies, toga buddies, and drinking buddies…you know who you are.
I don’t think so, I think he knows it all…if there is anything you think I’m forgetting, please let me know.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Heather Gruenberg
2. What do I wish I did after HS? College was a good choice, and I'm glad I went to Carleton (Northfield, Minnesota: the town where Jesse James and his gang made their last raid). What do I wish I did after college [graduated '92; took a year off from college and lived in Washington, D.C.]? Go to Europe. What did I do instead? Came home to work and save money to move back to D.C. after a year or so, but Mom died six months after I came home, so I ended up staying in suburban Detroit for nine more years; moved to Traverse City 1/01/02.
3. What am I happy to have done in the last twenty years? Lots of things. Went parasailing this week. It's my last year of classes getting a secondary level teaching certificate (Dana, where did you teach?), after which I have to student teach. Have travel(l)ed within the States some. No kids, thanks, though I've thoroughly enjoyed teaching them how to swim for the last nineteen years; that's how I got into the teaching certificate classes. Am planning on getting married. Learning to garden a bit, but perennials, cement gargoyles, and stainless steel gazing globes only. Got a kayak. Have two dogs and a cat, despite my allergists' [well-founded] concerns.
4. What is my favorite place I've been to in the last twenty years? There are a few, and the Franklin Cider Mill is one of them!!!!!!! I liked D.C., despite being terribly depressed while I was there, I like San Francisco, and Traverse City's quite nice, in its own way. There is a hill on Carleton's campus where I first saw the stars the way you can in the country or on the beach in Litchfield Beach, S.C.; there are probably more, stuck somewhere in my brain.
5. Whom do I look forward to seeing this weekend? Some of them will be there (people on this mailing list), some won't (George Hinkes, Heather Reed, others), and those with whom I shared a Catholic upbringing (you know who you are!).
6. Will George be surprised to know anything about me? Don't think so, but who knows.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Bob Brumm - Update!
1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school?Just about everyone. Life turns us many different ways and we stray away from items that do mean a lot. Keeping in touch with those who helped form who we are does get pushed back. This blog is a good way to keep in touch with friends from high school.
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?Travel abroad.
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?Sky Diving and White Water rafting.
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?Torch Lake , Michigan Spent many summers up there as a child and brings comforting memories.
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laughHaving fun with friends and seeing their smiling laughing faces. Parting with (or without) a TOGA.
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?Not able to attend.
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?Not really, but she may be surprised how outgoing I was.
Meredith Granader/Segal
Nicole (Niki)
Niki 5, Rocky 3 & Jake 7
Scott & Meredith
Scott & Meredith
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do? Traveled more. I traveled to Europe with Robin Bolton for 5 weeks but I wish I had seen many more places in my youth.
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do? I can't just think of one thing. I guess moving to Chicago would be at the top of my list. I met my husband here and we have a great life together with three wonderful, happy and healthy children. I feel very fortunate and not much could make me any happier than I am now. Maybe one more kid???
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years? Turkey. Istanbul in particular. It was really an amazing place. I went 9 years ago with my husband. It was full of culture and so beautiful. However, I would not recommend a turkish bath to anyone, unless you like to be tortured.
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh Can't think of just one. I know that is such a lame answer but it is true.
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion? Everyone!!!
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days? He knows everything.
Dean Hu
1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school?
The only guy I've kept in contact with regularly since high school is Keith Brookenthal. Also, I recently found that Dave Dikeman, "blogspot guru," lives only about 3 miles from me in Honolulu. So besides those two, I'm looking forward to finding out what everyone else in our class has been up to since high school.
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?
Can't say that there has been any real regrets to this point, but if I had to come up with something....How about, qualifying for the Boston Marathon? That would have been cool, but for now, with a one year old at home, I lack both time and motivation. Maybe I'll give it a shot when I hit my midlife crisis ;-)
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?
Three things: Finding a career/calling that allows me to help people on a day to day basis. Finding and marrying my soulmate and best friend. Assisting in the delivery of our baby boy last year.
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?
Driving around the south island of New Zealand for our honeymoon. Very beautiful land and peaceful surroundings.
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh
Hands down, the last day of school, senior year. Keith Brookenthal gets chased out of the school by one of the assistant principals because he showed up in his homemade tee shirt printed with "F--- You! I'm graduating." And yes, it was spelled out in full.
Honorable mention: No doors on the stalls in the boys' bathrooms. I think someone ran for student council one year under the slogan, "A Door for every Stall." I wonder if guys get any privacy these days.
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?
To name just a few - Howdy, Karl, Lal, and my track and cross country teammates.
Sorry if I forgot anyone.
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?
Doubt there are any real surprises except that my locker used to perfectly, meticulously organized. Since then, for some reason, my desk and office space have become near-disaster zones.
Cristina Booker
I was lousy about staying in touch with everybody when I moved away from MI. Fortunately, Saliha, Ann, Neil, Mazzoli, Stephanie, Denyse & Jennifer tolerate my flakiness. I would love to know what's up with: Lisa Piccard, MaryKay, Sandy K, Bernice, Amanda, Heather, Fred, Greg Panek, Kris Penner, Stephanie Martin, Tony P. and Matt H. and all kids from Walnut Lake...
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?
Similar to others' lament, I also wish I had lived in another country while young and flexible. I had no idea as a student how short 3 weeks of vacation would feel once the rat race began!
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?
I've lived in some great places in the US-- San Francisco & now Boston. For work, I've been able to work hard for public health and social causes that mean a lot to me. Seeing Bill Gates & Bill Clinton and activists from across the globe at the last Int'l AIDS conference was a definite highlight. Shameless plug: one of my favorite vounteer activities is being a Community Partner for -- a group that sells fair trade recycled paper jewelry from Uganda.
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?
Tough to pick one place -nothing like scuba diving in Grand Cayman and eating/drinking like the gods in Tuscany with friends (Saliha among them).
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh
So many come to mind... Miss Slaughter's many life lessons ("Do you really think you're gonna change when you turn 18 and become an adult? Most of you will pretty much stay the same - just wait and see."), art department trip to NYC, getting busted by Gerardo shortly after graduation when several of us almost put the school up for sale (you young offenders know who you are), skipping class for the first MLK march, the daily rides to/from school with friends... And I need to correct an important detail in Stephanie's story -- Ronna and Ann were there, too, and it was vodka (not rum).
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?
There's little he doesn't know. The fact that I was a class officer and involved with Safe Rides is a little puzzling to most people, though.
Monday, August 27, 2007
M. K. - click on the text to zoom in and read.
I've attached a bunch of photos from New Zealand. In one, my husband and I are each about to jump off of a platform, only to free fall for about 200 feet- you can probably see that we're over a pretty large canyon. A few of the others are from hiking, etc., from various spots. I've also attached two pics of the 6th grade graduation from Meadow Lake with Gary and Dennis Portney, Debbie Nadelberg, Michael Bloom and Tammy Coe. The two totally 70’s guys are my dad and Tammy’s dad (note my dad's HUGE glasses and Mr. Coe's Ricardo Montalban suit). There's one pic of me and some friends at a college friend's wedding, and a pic from my own wedding (just a few years ago) with a friend from college.
Sam Barone
1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school?
I’ve kept in touch with people from my Detwa days. Not as many as I would have liked or as much either. Why didn’t somebody start this 10yrs ago?
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?
I wish I would have pursued my passion for water Ballet. I used to compete on a National level. Now, I can only do this in my spare time.
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?
Live in Dallas a single man. Cut the umbilical chords of my 4 boys : o
“Action” Jackson-5, Cecil “Diesel”-4, Twins Zachary & Tyler-20mos.
I cried during all of them. Women are amazing to me!
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?
The time I spent in Paris relaxing in that small café sipping on International blends…….What was the name of that waitress……..?????
I’ve been to a lot of places, but I had the most fun in Dallas. It’s definitely the place to be for a single guy ;) It’s also where I met my lovely wife. We now reside with our 4 boys in Maryland. 5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh
Some of the shit that used to go down at Groves back in the day you would be in serious trouble for today. The last 1-2 weeks of school things would get a little crazy. I’ll never forget the time McCardle deployed a military smoke bomb in the hallway. It was a tribute to Jimmy Hendrix’s “Purple Haze”. What a classic!
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?
I’m looking forward to seeing the people that are ready to forget their lives for a while and disco down! Even though I moved to Maryland my junior year, I was always at Groves in spirit. Thanks to all of my friends who opened their doors and treated me like family when I came back to visit summers and holidays. You know who you are and I love you. I can’t wait to man handle you ; )
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?
No. She knows I’m a freak without warning!
Matt Alvin
There are a few that I have stayed in contact with over the last 20 years but there are too many that slipped away.
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?
I should have finished college and gotten my bachelors degree.
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?
Riding/touring on my motorcycle all over the back roads of the east coast with my wife. You really get to see things in a different way. After the reunion, I will be touring Michigan for 2 weeks...of course on motorcyle with my wife. How do you think I got to the car...LOL
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?
The beach in Rimini, Italy on the Adriatic Sea. You can see the Adriatic coast behind me in the picture.
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh?
There are quite a I remember vividly is having a teacher (I forgot his name) give me a "C" on a final exam I never took...woohoo. Another would be barfing all over my desk in English class and having Greg Sangregorio (R.I.P. my friend) push my books off just in time.
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?
After seeing the blogspot photos...everyone.
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?
Hmm...I am sure someone at the reunion will fill her in on something...LOL
Friday, August 24, 2007
Julie Forhan Gillich
I wish I could see Lisa (Livingston) Rathke and Michelle (Stubner) Alster more...Sandy Kowalewski, Lynn Campbell, Pam Daines...the whole gang from the toga days...
2. What is something you never did after HS/college you wish you had the chance to do?
Mostly stuff I could still do...write a children's book, stay in better shape, take up an instrument. I do wish I had gone to Stratford with my Mom while her health was still good enough.
3. What is something you're glad you've had the chance to do?
Oh, all the basics like finish my BA and Masters, staying at home with my kids. Also, seeing Shakespeare's Globe and Paris with Mom (and my Dad and Steve).
4. Where is your favorite place you've been over the last 20 years?
Wide and varied...Four Green Fields (been there? 13 & Woodward) only cause I met my husband there (yes, a bar!)...summer/study in Vienna...Paris, London and Prague are all beautiful...loved my honeymoon in San Fransisco/Napa...Disney with the kids was a ball too...or just sitting on my parents' porch when they lived in Brighton.
5. Name a HS memory that still makes you laugh?
Seriously, just one? (I have the opposite problem as you Wendy!)...Sandy and Susan, dressed in hippie clothes singing "I'm a Little Teapot" in the cafeteria (as slaves!)..."lunchtime polls" - remember those Wendy?...Hey Andrea, Wonder Twin powers activate!...Mr. Campbell calling us "Babe" (as in the blue ox)..."I'm looking for a new love baby, a new love"...Nip as Morris Day (but then again, when didn't he make me laugh?)...Sunrise on Yoda's roof (and then running into his neighbor as we returned all the beer cans!)...Senior skip day sophomore year (how do you spell Kowalewski? I'll never forget now!)...Oyster Ally...the "beast" losing a muffler on the way home from Greektown and getting lost ("Did that sign say Cass Corridor?")...hanging out at that elementary school on the hill on Sat nights (the cops only chased us away once, right, Lisa, Nip, Mich?)...Don Andrews and Rob Nicholson - need I say more?
6. Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion? Lisa, Michelle, Lynn and the whole volleyball gang, Pam, Sandy, Dan, Nip, Huey, Yoda, Wendy...just everyone!
7. Is there anything your spouse would be surprised to hear about HS days? Nope! I'm still as stupid as I was then, so he sees it every day! (Poor guy!)
Michelle Eusebio Watterworth
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do? I’ve been fortunate to have been able to travel throughout most of the US – hiking through the Adirondacks, Sedona and Yosemite, white water rafting in Virginia , sailing in the Caribbean , etc. Finding a career I love is also top on my list (and now being able to do it part time is a plus!). But, nothing I’ve done compares to the opportunity my husband and I had a few years ago to adopt two beautiful little babies from Russia . Our identical twin girls came home just about the time they were starting to walk, and honestly haven’t stopped running since (quite frankly, neither have we)!
Brian Sherman
Actually because of this event (thanks planning committee!), I was able to reconnect with a number of old friends including Bob Abele, Scott McCall, Chuck Simpson, James Chesna, Steve Gougeon, and Dave St. John. Great to be in contact with those guys again! Of course there are too many count as I would also love to reconnect with the old Evergreen Elementary and Berkshire Middle School folks.
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?
Almost went bungee jumping off a bridge while in college down at Ohio State – wish I did now as it would make a great story however I sure as heck wouldn’t do it now!
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?
Over my professional career I have been fortunate enough to travel a number of interesting places including Japan , Korea and Mexico . For leisure my wife and I headed over to Germany , Austria and Scotland and loved every bit of it (see Kim and I dancing in front of the gazebo from ‘Sound of Music’ – taken outside Saltzburg , Austria ). Now Kim and I are living in the Raleigh , North Carolina area (beach two hours away, mountains four hours away) and loving it. The snow blower has been sold!
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?
Tough call, probably a toss-up between St. Andrews , Scotland and Halstatt , Austria . Amazing scenery and history! If I had to pick one of the two, well, the wheat beer from Austria/Germany puts Halstatt over the top. If your asking about domestic locations, top three are Asheville, NC, Isle Royale National Park, U.P. of Michigan and Ohio Stadium, Columbus, Ohio (sorry, had to get that dig in there; Go Bucks!). A very close fourth is Yellowstone National Park in the spring – Go if you haven’t been!
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh?
Rolling out of a smoke-filled Greg Panek car with Bob, Scott, Dave and several others during sign-up for our senior year. Foolish!
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?
Unfortunately I will not be attending the reunion as Kim and I are expecting our first child (due Sept. 3rd – Labor Day of course)! I wouldn’t miss that for the world. I hope everyone has fun reconnecting!
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?
Not that I’m aware of but I’m sure there is something.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Anne Held Reeves
1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school? I have lost touch with many of The Groves Singers, friends from Frau Guilmet’s German class, so many great people who participated in the musicals etc. I hope you all come to the reunion!
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do? I was an English Lit major at MSU so I wish that I had figured out studying in England one semester.
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do? I love running my own business! I have an online accessories company and a gift-giving subscription company They keep me both busy and happy. I have been volunteering with the Junior League of Birmingham since 1997. I am married (15 years!) and live in Troy.
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years? Paris
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh. Mock Rock
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Jeff Jacobs
Too many people to name, but the people who I’m still in touch have become excellent friendships.
Star in an action movie and travel to more countries.
Going snowboarding out in Utah every year and riding amazing powder. Owning my own business and being self employed, there have been many highs and lows but I have lived everyday by my own schedule. And last, having the opportunity to practice Kung Fu with wise teachers, which has given me a deeper understanding of life and blessed me with excellent health.
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?
It would be a toss up between Scotland and Utah mountains.
Gosh, there were so many, when I think back at the shit we got away with and didn’t get killed it amazes me. Spring break 87 in Jamaica , Ya Mon!
All the gang, it will be good to catch up, hopefully Andy Marr will be in town. And for the rest of you slackers post your info up on this blog!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Dana Dunlop
Amanda Klain
2. I am still doing most everything that I wish to doright now---------but I do wish I would have takenadvantage of my free tuition (parents) at WMU 14 yearsago and been motivated instead of being high.
3. I am happy I have had the chance to travel a lotand live in different places, work on farms, live verysimply and freely and happily with good food and goodpeople.
4. I don't know how to pick a favorite place-----Ijust went to Romania in July of this year and that wasreally cool and probably my most recent favoriteplace-------
5. My memory that makes me laugh is when I rammed intoCorey's car with my moms car once on 13 mile to gointo the parking lot and then twice in the parkinglot--we had gone home for lunch and smoked alittlesomething and I was unable to drive correctly and alsowas laughing hard
6. I don't know if I am going yet but if I do, itwould be great to see Ann Cho, Dana Kennedy, Chini andlots of others that I can't think of now--
7. Don't have a spouse but my x boyfriend from awhileago was shocked to see my class pictures----
John O'Brien
1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school?I've managed to keep in touch with my closer friends, although it might be nice if Karl would show up more than every other year. I've pretty much lost touch with the swim team crowd and wonder what happened to some of them every now and then.
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do?I am yet unable to embark on my quest to learn the traditional spearfishing techniques of the natives of the Peruvian Andes.
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do?Going to Notre Dame during the good football years (something that seemed important then) and making some good friends there, my wife being one. Having two kids, releasing the six year old in me that wasn't very well restrained to begin with. Plus keeping my hair.
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years?It's probably a toss up between the obligatory Maui honeymoon (same as yours if you went there) and going to Edinburgh with Sreeny: me, a recent graduate of a Catholic university, arguing at the crack of dawn with a recent Presbyterian graduate from dental school over the finer points of papal infallibility doctrine, the two of us three sheets to the wind at four in the moring, while a pair of similarly inebriated Hindus watched in amusement and confusion. (Mr. Wilson, wherever he is, is crying now.)
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laughThe "Army" and the fact that it was funny in the naivete of the day. Now we'd be hauled in by Homeland Security. Driving around Beverly Hills with opening garage doors, Karl howling with laughter in the back seat. "Hey, Tim, watch this!" The Fourth Street Singers' appearance at Mock Rock and the alleged censoring on the public access broadcast. Disposing of trash from White Castle. The dreaded five question quizzes: "Say something about a circus." Being late for calculus because I was stuck in the secret rooms on Bubble Bobble, and playing "Go to Hell" on the way back. Rob Corsini stories: hitting the deer and the plan to grossly misuse Papal authority (not to mention the plan's critical flaw). "Howdy, your car is on my foot." "You told me to keep backing up!"
6.) Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion?Karl, the Mean One, Alex, and I'll throw a bone to Vas, even though I talked to you five minutes ago. Many others, that I may be reminded of the good times I have forgotten.
7.) Is there anything your spouse/significant other would be surprised to know about you from your high school days?Despite meeting the crowd, she's not heard much about all the crappy times that have long since faded from our collective memory. I'm sure there were some; the good stuff remains.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Matt Gabe
Hi. As you know, I will not be able to attend the reunion since I will still be in Baghdad. I tried to access the reunion blog but was notpermitted on my government computer. It is my understanding that people are posting pictures on the blog. If so, will you please post the attached picture of Saddam and me relaxing in the International Zone on the blog? Thank you.
You can contact Matt at: