Friday, August 10, 2007

Anne Held Reeves

1.) Who do you wish you kept in touch with from high school? I have lost touch with many of The Groves Singers, friends from Frau Guilmet’s German class, so many great people who participated in the musicals etc. I hope you all come to the reunion!
2.) What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do? I was an English Lit major at MSU so I wish that I had figured out studying in England one semester.
3.) What is something you're happy you had the chance to do? I love running my own business! I have an online accessories company and a gift-giving subscription company They keep me both busy and happy. I have been volunteering with the Junior League of Birmingham since 1997. I am married (15 years!) and live in Troy.
4.) Where is your favorite place you've been to in the last 20 years? Paris
5.) Name a high school memory that still makes you smile/laugh. Mock Rock

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