Friday, August 24, 2007

Julie Forhan Gillich

1. Who do you wish you kept in touch with from H.S.?
I wish I could see Lisa (Livingston) Rathke and Michelle (Stubner) Alster more...Sandy Kowalewski, Lynn Campbell, Pam Daines...the whole gang from the toga days...

2. What is something you never did after HS/college you wish you had the chance to do?
Mostly stuff I could still do...write a children's book, stay in better shape, take up an instrument. I do wish I had gone to Stratford with my Mom while her health was still good enough.

3. What is something you're glad you've had the chance to do?
Oh, all the basics like finish my BA and Masters, staying at home with my kids. Also, seeing Shakespeare's Globe and Paris with Mom (and my Dad and Steve).

4. Where is your favorite place you've been over the last 20 years?
Wide and varied...Four Green Fields (been there? 13 & Woodward) only cause I met my husband there (yes, a bar!)...summer/study in Vienna...Paris, London and Prague are all beautiful...loved my honeymoon in San Fransisco/Napa...Disney with the kids was a ball too...or just sitting on my parents' porch when they lived in Brighton.

5. Name a HS memory that still makes you laugh?
Seriously, just one? (I have the opposite problem as you Wendy!)...Sandy and Susan, dressed in hippie clothes singing "I'm a Little Teapot" in the cafeteria (as slaves!)..."lunchtime polls" - remember those Wendy?...Hey Andrea, Wonder Twin powers activate!...Mr. Campbell calling us "Babe" (as in the blue ox)..."I'm looking for a new love baby, a new love"...Nip as Morris Day (but then again, when didn't he make me laugh?)...Sunrise on Yoda's roof (and then running into his neighbor as we returned all the beer cans!)...Senior skip day sophomore year (how do you spell Kowalewski? I'll never forget now!)...Oyster Ally...the "beast" losing a muffler on the way home from Greektown and getting lost ("Did that sign say Cass Corridor?")...hanging out at that elementary school on the hill on Sat nights (the cops only chased us away once, right, Lisa, Nip, Mich?)...Don Andrews and Rob Nicholson - need I say more?

6. Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion? Lisa, Michelle, Lynn and the whole volleyball gang, Pam, Sandy, Dan, Nip, Huey, Yoda, Wendy...just everyone!

7. Is there anything your spouse would be surprised to hear about HS days? Nope! I'm still as stupid as I was then, so he sees it every day! (Poor guy!)

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