Monday, August 6, 2007

Amanda Klain

1. I have kept in touch with Heather and recently gotin touch with Corey and Grace....
2. I am still doing most everything that I wish to doright now---------but I do wish I would have takenadvantage of my free tuition (parents) at WMU 14 yearsago and been motivated instead of being high.
3. I am happy I have had the chance to travel a lotand live in different places, work on farms, live verysimply and freely and happily with good food and goodpeople.
4. I don't know how to pick a favorite place-----Ijust went to Romania in July of this year and that wasreally cool and probably my most recent favoriteplace-------
5. My memory that makes me laugh is when I rammed intoCorey's car with my moms car once on 13 mile to gointo the parking lot and then twice in the parkinglot--we had gone home for lunch and smoked alittlesomething and I was unable to drive correctly and alsowas laughing hard
6. I don't know if I am going yet but if I do, itwould be great to see Ann Cho, Dana Kennedy, Chini andlots of others that I can't think of now--
7. Don't have a spouse but my x boyfriend from awhileago was shocked to see my class pictures----

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing you, too, Amanda!