Monday, August 6, 2007

Dana Dunlop

1. Who do you wish you had kept in touch with from high school? I am happy to say by "bestest" friends of today are the ones from 20 years ago.

2. What is something you wish you did after high school or college that you never had the chance to do? No regrets from me!

3. What is something you're happy you had the chance to do? I quit teaching junior high after 11 years of not loving my job. Now I own Eclectic Elegance, a gift store in Farmington, MI (shameless plug: I took a leap and thank goodness I did. The risks far out weigh the possible defeats. That's me in the picture with my business partner at our ribbon cutting- November 2005.

4. Where is your favorite place you have visited in the last 20 years? Two extremes: Iceland (I have never been so cold) and Death Valley. I would return to either one tomorrow! I also have been fortunate to travel with my Grandma to Seattle, Hawaii, Arizona, San Diego... nothing beats the memories I have with her.

5. What high school memory makes you smile/laugh? I had a lot of fun and laughs being a part of the theater program- Mock Rock, Matress, etc. Bud and his ever changing quiz/test policies, lunches with KS and JA and explaining to Cutler why we were late, Michaywe..

6. Who are you looking forward to seeing at the reunion? It has been great reading the blog page. Anne and I reconnected because of it. Particularly I would like to catch up with "theater people", Bingham Farms grads, Jeff S, Steve G, too.

1 comment:

Wendy B said...

Dana, you look fab and the store looks great! My parents LOVED the basket you put together for them (wow that was awhile ago already)! Sorry I can't make the reunion, but would love to get the gang together (Eric, Kristin, Shannon, Alan, etc.) sometime when I can come visit for the weekend! Wendy